The Solution to the Patient Recruitment Problem
OMNI CRS leverages its proprietary patient database of over 500,000 high-intent referrals, as well as 30+ years of Digital Marketing Expertise – to bring your Trial the patients it needs.
Our Mission
To disrupt the clinical trial recruitment process by reducing the costs and development time of new drugs and medical devices, resulting in better and lower healthcare for the entire marketplace.
Patient Education
We help solve the lack of awareness in Clinical Research Recruitment.
- Less than 5% of the population has been invited to participate in clinical trials
- We help educate that 5% and we recruit and educate the right participants in the remaining 95%
Geographic Targeting
We understand most clinical studies are geo-fenced.
- Our proprietary technology matches users with Geographically relevant studies
- OMNI further filters on Age, Gender, and relevant qualifying conditions
Responsive Leads
We know Consents and Randomizations are the KPIs.
- Our targeted, impactful marketing provides engaged study participants
- Our patient education portal sets expectations for incoming referrals
- OMNI-generated leads Consent & Randomize at a higher-than-average rate